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Fat Loss Foods

Fat loss foods should be low in calories, have more protein and/or fiber, and higher in water relative to sugar.  Higher protein foods keep you fuller for longer periods and slow the absorption of carbohydrates  preventing major dips in energy.  Fiber helps stabilize blood sugar and decreases hunger and cramps.



APPLES: full of fiber and water and strengthen the immune system.

ASPARAGUS: a natural diuretic rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  

BERRIES: lower glycemic index fruits.  They are important for obtaining vitamins, minerals, and fiber with fast acting carbohydrates.

BISON or grass-fed beef: have a nutrition profile similar to that of fish.  

BROCCOLI: part of the cruciferous family of vegetables that help detoxify estrogen in the liver which is conducive to fat loss.

CHICKEN BREASTS: contain lean protein with little fat.

EGGS: the best source of protein being high in essential amino acids. They contain B12 helping to breakdown fat.

GRAPEFRUIT: 90% water and less than 100 calories with a low glycemic index score.

LEAN TURKEY: ground or breasts is similar to chicken.

OAT BRAN: contains higher fiber and higher protein than oatmeal.

SALMON: helps to get rid of fat and is a source of protein and omega 3.

SPINACH and other leafy greens: contain fiber and water with low carbs.

SWEET POTATOES: have plenty of important minerals and a lower glycemic index than white potatoes.

TOMATOES: low in calories and high in water content.

WHITE FISH: low-fat source of protein while supporting the immune system.

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